2024-25 School Year Tuition & Fees


Class Time Per Week / Student Tuition Per Month

Calculate tuition for each student separately. Please see sibling discounts below. Quantity discount is included!


Other Options

Drop In Rate = $21/1 hr. class and $24/1.25 hr. class
Punchcards (adult only) = $80 for (4) 1 hr. classes, $95 for (4) 1.25 hr. classes
In Person Solo Lessons= $65-$85/hr (depending on teacher), please schedule through the office at info@turningpointeschoolofdance.com.
Note that students 17 and under must have a parent on the premises during the solo lesson or sign a waiver with the front desk. If a lesson is cancelled within 24 hours of time scheduled, a cancellation fee of $15 will be assessed.
In Person Small Group Lessons-
2 students= $30 per person per hour
3 students= $25 per person per hour
4+ students= $20 per person per hour


Active military discount
10% discount if either or both parents are in active military service
(10% tuition discount for primary student only). Discount may not be combined.

Sibling Discounts
The student with the most dance instruction time per week will be considered the primary student. A 10% discount will be given for each additional sibling enrolled. For summer “family classes” tuition is full price for 1st dancer and 20% off for each additional.

9 Month Payment Discount
If you would like to pay for the entire school year session (9 months) instead of monthly installments, there will be a 10% discount on tuition total (payment is auto drafted Sept 1) - this is non-refundable. Discount may not be combined.

Loyal Customer Discount
5% off primary student tuition for being a TP customer 5 consecutive years or more. May not be combine with other discounts.

TP Alumni
50% off TP tuition


Tuition is based on the total number of classes your student takes per week. The school year session’s tuition (Sept-May) is divided into 9 equal installments. The amount of any single installment is not based on the number of classes for that month, it represents 1/9 of the session’s tuition. Holidays and breaks have been factored in for our 38 week session. Please note that the service we provide is dance instruction- whether the delivery be in person or online. Online dance instruction is a compensatory service.

All accounts must be set up on autopay with their credit or debit card. If you need an exception for this and desire to pay with cash or check, you must fill out an exception form at the front desk.

Drop/Change Fees
Customers who register for a class and make changes or switch their classes will be subject to a change fee of $10 per class. If there are extenuating circumstances please let us know so we can work with you.
To drop a class, written notice must be given to our school administrator: you must email info@turningpointeschoolofdance.com on or before the 20th of the previous month or you will continue to be responsible for tuition payment for the next month (for classes beginning in Sept, notice must be given by Aug 20).

Tuition installments are due on the 1st of each month. If tuition is not received by the 10th, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. Autopay accounts will be drafted between the 1st and the 3rd of the month. Tuition will not be adjusted or discounted based on the length of the month, absenteeism, school closures, vacations, holidays, inclement weather, or the need to switch to virtual instruction due to government regulations. Dancers are encouraged to make up classes for missed classes during the current session.

Notes Regarding Fees

Membership fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable- NO EXCEPTIONS. Payment and electronic registration must be submitted to reserve your space. All registrants will acknowledge the studio rules and agreement electronically.  Please note that not paying the fee does not constitute a withdrawal. Please see our withdrawal policies above.

What is included in your membership fee?
Access to Parent Portal
Free Wifi Access
Class Waitlist Priority
Access to Make Up Classes
Customer Appreciation Event
Seasonal Discounts on Merch 
Individualized student evaluations by qualified dance educators
Member Access to Ticket Sales
Member Access for Fast Track Registration
Member Pricing for Bday Parties

(for new customers only)- will be pro-rated $10 for a student or $15 for family and will cover any classes/camps in summer session. Students will then be considered returning students when registering for School Year Session classes (receive priority registration on July 15th instead of the 30th and reduced membership fee for school year session).

**Costume Note: Costume fees are approximate and are subject to change.

***Recital Note: Students are assumed to be performing in end-of-year recital unless they have opted out in writing by November 30th.

Annual Membership Fees (due at time of registration)

  • Returning Student = $25

  • Returning Family = $35

  • New Student = $35

  • New Family = $50

Recital Costume FeeS

  • Range from $65-$85 per costume (due December 1st, non-refundable)