More Than Dance: Turning Pointe’s 2019 Outreach Roundup

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have the works?  — James 2:14

 Turning Pointe Dance is Colorado Springs’ premier faith-based dance studio, committed to providing excellence in dance and theater instruction while cultivating hearts of worship and nurturing creativity. In keeping with the heart of the studio, in addition to quality dance instruction, Turning Pointe works as Christ’s hands and feet in our community and beyond. For a look back at how we kicked off the 2018-19 dance year, click here, and check out all the ways we wrapped up another blessed season praising His name below:

 Turning Pointe students and staff set their intensions for another year in His name last January, spending time in the scriptures and setting goals for the new year. The session was accompanied by a prayer walk around the studio and other places around the city pertaining to individual goals.

 On February 15, students of Turning Pointe’s Training Division shared their gifts and talents with the residents and patients of Life Care Center of Colorado Springs – an inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation center that provides 24-hour nursing care in the Pike’s Peak Region. Students shared the gospel and shined His light through worship performances, treating those in attendance to music and dance that glorified His name.

Similarly, students of Turning Pointe’s Irish classes performed for children and their families to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, bringing faith-based Irish performance to the Go For Gold Kids Weekend at Bear Creek Nature Center.

 On April 13, Turning Pointe’s Mission Team hosted The Royal Ball, a Daddy-Daughter Dance. Complete with crafts, door prizes, sweet treats and plenty of dancing, the event’s proceeds helped support Turning Pointe’s 32-member mission team as they spread the gospel to the people of El Salvador in June.

June 6-13, our mission team traveled to El Salvador to spread the love of Jesus through dance and drama in schools, churches, national theaters, and outdoor plazas. It’s an honor and privilege for our students to be able to use the gifts and talents God has given them to bring joy and hope to others. We loved connecting and praying with the beautiful people of El Salvador we met from the students to the employees at the hotel we stayed at- there is always an opportunity to be an encouragement!

 This summer, Turning Pointe is excited to partner with Pulpit Rock Church's “Love Your Neighbor” team to collect donations of lumber, mattresses and bedding to help build bunk beds for children in the foster care system and others who are sleeping on the floor in impoverished homes. For information about how to make a contribution or to learn more about the “Love Your Neighbor” team, check out the display in Turning Pointe's lobby during your summer classes! 

 Turning Pointe’s mission is not only to fully develop a dancer’s skills and talents in an atmosphere that is glorifying to God, but to encourage students to use their gifts to bless others in our community and beyond. Be sure to read your newsletters and check the bulletin boards in the lobby for upcoming outreach opportunities and how you can be a part of Turning Pointe’s mission!