Twirl Bible Study- September

Each month, all of our classes study a specific passage of scripture, giving Turning Pointe a united focus rooted in His word. Older classes will additionally study a word, while our Twirl classes will focus on a Fruit of the Spirit.

Throughout September, our Twirl classes are talking about joy as they read Philippians 4:4:

 “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!”

 This month, we encourage each of our Twirl families to reiterate this message with our tiniest dancers and keep a focus on the Father all week long. We know this can be a challenge with this age group, and we’re here to help! Read on as we share our favorite ways to study this month’s focus with your little ones.

Sing & Dance

 What better way to celebrate this month’s Fruit than to make a joyful noise unto the Lord? Take a few minutes each day and express His joy through song and dance. Did your student learn a dance or simple gestures to go along with their memory verse? Ask them to show you, or better yet, teach you! You can also make up your own together, or have your dancer create their own song and dance during this special worship time. Get your joyful celebration going with one of our favorite playlists — that first song is a perfect place to start!

 Quiz & Memorize

 Your Twirl student’s teacher will go over the Fruit/verse of the month each week… why not go over it at home, too? Even if they’re too young to tackle memorization, the repetition and habit of memorization can be a helpful skill to develop way beyond the dance classroom. Say this month’s verse together (or ask your student to repeat after you) before bed or nap time, each time they wash their hands, or whenever it fits best in your family’s day. Ask them to tell you this month’s Fruit throughout the week. Ask them what brought them joy at the end of each day, then thank God and give Him the glory for those moments in your bedtime prayers.

 Read & Talk

 For Twirl students looking to go a bit deeper (or if you want to get older siblings involved), take a few minutes each day to read and discuss His word. Find this month’s memory verse in the Bible and read it together. Then go even further! Read the whole chapter or book and talk about it. What is God saying to us in this verse? What is the difference between joy and happiness?

Why does He tell us to rejoice in the Lord always, even when it’s so hard sometimes?

 We are so excited to pour His words into our youngest dancers this year, and look forward to sharing our focus here on the blog each month. Our prayer is that we will ignite a passion for dance and the arts and a heart for worship that will last a lifetime in each of these precious little ones!

 Looking for supplemental devotional notes on this month’s word/scripture for older classes? Check out last week’s post here.