5 Ways to Make the Most of your Online Dance Class

Here we are again! Time to begin another year of activities — only this year, things could look a bit different. In light of our current circumstances, did you know that Turning Pointe now offers five ways to learn to dance? With three online options including virtual solo and small group lessons,  as you navigate what’s best for you and your family, let us offer these helpful tips to make the most of your digital dancing experience:

1.     Be prepared
(Cue cackling hyenas and overly dramatic lion.) For real though, being prepared ahead of time will allow you to start focusing from the very moment class begins. With younger students, this means that mom and dad may need to help! Start by getting your space ready. Clear away furniture, set up a chair to use as a barre, or if you need to, put out a yoga mat. Make sure you are dressed appropriately. Just because we aren’t in the classroom together, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be dressed for dance! Do your hair, wear your favorite dance outfit and make sure that you look your best. Then prep anything else you might need. For example, your water bottle or a notebook. Which brings us to number 2...

2.     Take notes
In this new environment, it may be extra hard to remember feedback from your instructors or retain choreography. Write down things that your teacher says for you to review later. You can even take notes in a special notebook just for dance!

If you’re looking for an extra challenge, write down what you do throughout the class and practice during the week. This could include strengthening, stretching, warm-ups, routines at the barre, in the center, or across the floor. The more you practice, the more you will improve!

3.     Communicate with your teachers (or classmates)
Your teachers are in this boat with you, and if you’ve opted for online small group lessons, so are your classmates! We’re all navigating these waters together, so reach out! Make sure to tell someone if you are struggling with a specific step, or are uncertain about choreography. Ask questions. Your teachers want to see you succeed, and are willing to help every step of the way.

4.     Record what you learned
Once a lesson is over, ask someone to record you doing any choreography or practice assignments. If you record what you’re learning, you will create not only a reference for yourself later, but a way to track your progress!

5.     Practice your patience
Lastly, and most importantly, be patient with yourself, your teachers, and your family. This is a tricky time for all of us, but it’s also a time when we can all practice having grace for each other. Pray for one another, encourage each other, and take it one day at a time. Sooner than you know, we can all be on stage dancing for an audience again. When that day comes, it will be sweeter because of the work and time you put in now!

 Bonus tips for parents:

We know that this is a challenging time for you and your kids. We are here with you! While this season is tough, dance can be an outlet and something comforting for all kids. To help encourage students who may be having a tough time adjusting to learning dance online, consider these ideas to make dance a family activity — we’ve seen them work wonders!

●      Ask your students about their lesson and what they are working on.

●      Ask them to teach you or their siblings something fun.

●      Try playing freeze dance together. This can be a way to bond and grow as a family!

●      Give them an audience. For younger or shy students, sharing steps with siblings or parents may be a bit much. Instead, have them set up a stuffed animal audience! They can dance with their fuzzy friends, or play dance teacher afterward to share what they’ve learned.

 However your back-to-dance looks this season, we’re excited you’re part of the Turning Pointe family. We can’t wait to watch our students blossom and grow in His name!