May Devotion: Reward

After a two-year hiatus, recitals as we once knew them are BACK! Soon we’ll be blessed with the incredible experience of performing in His name, filling the auditorium with praise and worship as we celebrate the gifts and talents God has given each student. We’ll see friends and family together in the audience once again as we hear the music we’ve practiced all season echo through the walls of the auditorium. We’ll smell the flowers in the lobby and the hairspray backstage as we prepare to feel the warmth of the bright lights center stage. And since the theater world over has endured a difficult season since COVID-19 altered the face of performing arts, this year’s return to normalcy will taste even sweeter.

 It’s no secret that the road back to recitals has been challenging, which makes this milestone all the more rewarding. The same can probably be said for the road you’ve traveled this season, whether that’s been since the start of classes, since the start of the pandemic, the last 10 years or the last 10 days. Maybe you’re still navigating your way through a season of struggles. No matter where you are when you take the stage in a few weeks, be assured with this month’s memory verse, Galatians 6:9…

 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

 The fact is, we worship a rewarding God. It’s written all throughout His word. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 says the quality of our work will be tested with fire, and if it does not burn, we will be rewarded. Mark 10:29-30 tells us that those who leave to live in His name will receive a reward 100 times their present state. Luke 14:13-14 tells us that those who do good works and bless those who cannot repay will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. Are you sensing a theme? Rewards are promised, but not without being earned. There will be fire, broken relationships and sacrifice, but, if we do not grow weary of doing good, it will always pay off in the end.

 If only it were that simple, right? But doing good is hard work, especially if you lose sight of why doing good matters. We are called to live in a way that’s consistent with our beliefs—in a manner that brings honor and glory to our God. In this month’s verse, Paul reminds the Galatian Christians that trusting their lives to the world, relying on their own power and following their own selfish and sinful desires will only lead to corruption and decay. But “do not grow weary of doing good,” because we love a Father who keeps His promises, and He has promised to reward our servant hearts.

 How many times have you felt weary this season? We can feel a lot of exhaustion from the disappointment of canceled plans, setbacks, or even simply trying over and over to nail your skills or choreography that didn’t come easily. Maybe you didn’t get the part you auditioned for and really wanted. Maybe a new dance genre isn’t what you had hoped. God saw it all. He saw your struggles, and he sees your steadfast faith. He sees when we feel defeated. He sees when we’re good stewards of the talents and resources He’s given. He sees when we fall wayward toward our sinful nature. He sees when we seek first the Kingdom. He sees us—always. Just as our sins can’t hide in the shadows, so, too, does God see our faithfulness—a virtue which He has promised a reward.

 Now I know what you might be thinking… I was good through all of the hardships. I did not grow weary. I held true to His promises. Why then am I still struggling? Why wasn’t my progress report a rave? Why didn’t I advance to the next level? Why wasn’t I chosen for a lead role this time? Consider Hebrews 6:10:

 “For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.”

 God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He not only sees you through the darkest times, He delights in your commitment and continued investment in Him. So let us not grow weary of doing good for His sake. There is no shortage of rewards on earth and in Heaven. If we can’t see it, we can rest assured in knowing that we trust in His promises, and this is one of them. He has promised that in time, the seeds we have planted in Him will reap a bountiful harvest. Maybe not where, when and what we expect, and maybe not even on this earth, but the scriptures assure us that God will reward us for our service and obedience in love.

 This month, as we prepare for performances, let’s pray that we know His goodness and shine it to all those around us. Let’s faithfully submit ourselves to His plan, and pray that acceptance of His timing and rewards be established in our hearts. Let’s celebrate this season of dance, and know that He will see each performance and be glorified. Let’s enjoy the reward of recital after all of our diligent classwork. We’re so proud of the work you’ve all put in this season, and we can’t wait to see you shine!