November: Sow

A seed is full of potential.

 What may look like just a small spec is a vessel that already holds everything it will become, from trees to flowers or fruits and vegetables. But before they take their final form, a seed must be sown, and that process is much less glamorous than the end result. Afterall, it’s just putting a spec in the dirt—The beautiful blooms come much later. But in order to grow, you have to sow. Sound familiar? It’s just like how a final performance actually starts with plies at the barre! Planting a seed results in eventual harvest, and practicing your basic technique is actually an investment in your future on stage—which is why we, as a studio, have been studying the devotional prompt of “Sow,” along with Psalm 126:5-6, this month.

 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”   — Psalm 126:5-6

 For Turning Pointe, the humble planting season was wallets of CDs and velcro dottie spotties on carpeted floors.

 “The first year I offered two preschool dance classes and three ballet classes for different ages all with worship incorporated through song and dance,” Turning Pointe owner Tina Cook said. “Our dance studios were the preschool classrooms, a room at Pulpit Rock Church, and the Lion’s Den ‘gym’ at CSCS Elementary. We danced on carpet and a cement gym floor, there were no mirrors, and used chairs for our ballet barres.”

 The fruit that comes out of the seed is the “glory” of that seed. In other words, its truest, fullest form. Carrots start as tiny seeds that are resurrected from the ground in full glory. Dreams are also resurrected in glory. Jesus was resurrected in glory, and we will be resurrected in glory.

 We are called to faithfully sow our seeds as unto him, investing in His Kingdom. As we are faithful, the Bible says that He is ready to give us an abundant harvest. So don’t give up! Even if a new skill seems too hard, or if choreography feels overwhelming. Just like a seed, full of potential, God’s plan for you is already in motion, and the harvest is coming! When your plies at the barre seem tedious or unnecessary, just remember that He is working—and you’re investing in your God-given dreams.

 Twenty years ago, Ms. Tina carefully planted the seed of Turning Pointe at His feet, and God took that dream from its humble beginning—and its first recital showcasing 50 students at CSCS—and grew it into the 10-event, 900+ student showcase we’re working toward this season.

 “In gardening and in life, for something to grow, you have to sow,” Cook said. “What sowing looked like for Turning Pointe in those first few years was parents planting seeds of belief in my vision and encouraging me to keep going. It looked like planting seeds of trust, even though we didn’t have the fancy ballet barres or mirrors yet, knowing that God would provide. It looked like planting lots of seeds of time to create a program, choreography, and do all of the administrative and business tasks on my own. It looked like planting seeds of connection with families and loving and encouraging them each time I had the opportunity.”

 The seeds of your dreams matter. The seed of your very life matters. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have the privilege of sowing the seeds of the Gospel. Our techniques, talents, education, and eloquence are not what are important. Our willingness to sow is what matters. That is our part, our privilege, our calling. As we move through this season of devotions together, are you sitting or sowing? You have in your hands the seeds of life… let’s dance through it, hand-in-hand with Him.