Three Ways Dancers Can Make the Most of Spring Break

I know we all acknowledge the busyness of back to school, or the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but this time of year can be equally stressful, am I right? Graduations, summer trips and activities and end-of-semester events are coming up fast! For dancers, that also includes a Spring recital—with Peek Week, costumes, pictures, auditions and rehearsals all in between now and taking the stage for that final 2022-23 performance. It’s all a little overwhelming, right?

 Take a breath. Seriously, now’s the time to take a breath! Even God rested on the seventh day. Our doors will be closed March 26-April 1 for Spring Break, and we encourage all of our families and staff to regroup, turn our eyes upon Jesus, and prepare to take on the homestretch of this season rejuvenated! Easier said than done, right? Sitting still isn’t so easy for hard-working dancers. This week, we’ve got you covered! Read on to see why making the most of Spring Break is as easy as 1-2-3.

 1. Relax
Psalm 46:10 reminds us to “Be still and know that He is God.” That’s it. Be still, and let God come close. Research shows that relaxation keeps your heart healthier, cuts stress, reduces muscle tension, improves brain function and memory, and helps you avoid anxiety. It also boosts your immune system and helps alleviate the symptoms of any injuries or illness you’ve been dancing through. Simply put, relaxing is important! Spend some time in quiet prayer, then give a few of these prompts a try:

●      Read your Bible—bonus points if you’re under a blanket and in your pajamas.

●      Listen to Worship music—not playing in the background of busyness. Be still and listen.

●      Find joy—let your brain relax and enjoy making time for a favorite hobby or activity.

 2. Refuel

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of the granola-bar-from-the-bottom-of-my-dance-bag diet these days. When our time and energy is stretched thin, odds are, we’re not taking the time to take care of our bodies. Enter Spring Break! Use this week away from the studio to keep your brain active, strengthen your bones, and nourish other body tissues simply by making smart food choices and resetting your healthy habits.

●      Try some new recipes! Spend your class time in the kitchen and try something new.

●      Stay hydrated! Don’t neglect your water bottles this week. Drink like you’re still in class!

●      Don’t forget the snacks! Just because you’re not dancing doesn’t mean your body’s not hard at work.

3. Recover

 Contrary to popular belief, taking a week off every now and then can actually improve your strength and training. Short breaks allow your muscles, tendons and ligaments to repair themselves! Assuming you’ve been consistent in giving it your all in class, Spring Break is the perfect time to recover before that final push toward recital. Find some balance in your time away by practicing active recovery… a happy medium between training hard and couch potato status.

●      Go for a walk or two throughout the week.

●      Stretch every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

●      Put on your favorite worship song and stay loose by practicing some improv dancing.

 Another great way to practice active recovery over Spring Break? Review and practice your recital choreography at home! We’ve all been hard at work in class, learning those final steps and counts to perfect these pieces. And while this week is an opportunity to recharge, we jump back into action with Spring Peek Week April 3-8! Students will receive their recital costumes and perform their dances for parents during the last 10 minutes of each class, so make sure you’re ready to go when the music starts again.

 Enjoy your week away… we’ll see you back in the studio Monday, April 3!