Turning Pointe’s Ultimate Back-To-Dance Checklist

Welcome back to dance, TP students and families! Whether this is your first school year session with us or you’ve called the studio home for years, we’re so excited to be dancing through our 21st year with all of you.

 If you’re feeling overwhelmed with details and schedules, don’t worry. Even our most veteran Turning Pointe families are trying to settle into the groove of a new season! We understand that this time of year can be a lot—especially the weeks that school, dance, sports and other activities are all starting back. But we’re here to help! Throughout the session, we want to give every student the opportunity to succeed, even in the busy weeks before things hit their stride. That’s why we’ve compiled this ultimate back-to-dance checklist! To help our families make the most of the session, and to experience the Turning Pointe difference to its fullest.

 So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

1. Make sure you’re registered

 Every class, our amazing instructors will log attendance in our DanceWorks system. This helps us make sure every student is in the correct classroom and receiving the exact instruction they’re paying for. These first few weeks there are plenty of adds and drops, so making sure you’re properly registered beforehand can cut back on a lot of first-week stress!

 If you’ve already registered for classes online, there’s a simple way to double-check that everything in your registration has been processed properly: Log in to your DanceWorks account, and get to the “Home” screen. Scroll down past “Account Info,” and you’ll see a section labeled “Students.” Under each dancer’s name will be a link to “View classes.” Check each one to make sure you’re enrolled in the classes you wish to be in, and let us know ASAP if you see any issues. (You can email us any time at turningpointeoffice@gmail.com.)

 If you’re planning to register in person this week, please arrive in plenty of time! Our hospitality team is happy to assist you at the front desk, but rushing to cross the t’s and dot the i’s definitely won’t help your dancer’s first-day jitters. If a class is full, your student will be placed on a waiting list. But be patient! Things definitely shift a bit after these first few weeks.


2. Get familiar with our policies

 Who should I contact if my student is sick on class day? How do I switch my enrollment to a different class? How does drop off work? What if my student is injured? If these questions aren’t already popping into your mind, odds are they will be soon! The good news is, you can prepare for all the things that will certainly come up throughout the year just by familiarizing yourself with our studio policies.

 Bookmark our policies page in your browser, or make sure you have the link however you keep things handy! This one-stop information shop has everything you need for schedule changes, absence reporting, fees, contacting your teacher, studio rules, what to expect your first week and so much more! The first few times things come up can take some adjustment, but I promise, nothing is all that daunting. Just take a few minutes to read the information so that you can always walk into the studio feeling prepared and ready for a fantastic year of dance!


3. Dress the part

 Did you know our studio curriculum features categories for five targets, including respect and class preparedness? Set your dancer up for success by making sure they hit those etiquette targets every single week. The Turning Pointe Dress Code provides a focused dance education and a safe environment to move by limiting both visual and physical distractions. Each genre of movement requires students to tune into their bodies in a unique way, and the clothing they wear can be a help or a hindrance in the development of dance-specific movement quality. We promise, it’s not just another rule to follow or a box to check. It’s assisting each person in growing from “dance student” to “dancer.”

 Don’t know what’s required for your class/level? You can find all of our studio-wide requirements here. Bonus tip: Think of a full water bottle as a part of the class requirement! Just like you’d bring a towel to a swimming lesson or shin guards to soccer, your dancewear, shoes and water should all be part of your Turning Pointe class uniform.

 Do you need new dance shoes, tights, or leotards? TP alumnus Abbie Van Horn founded Adorn Dancewear to meet all your dancewear needs while keeping modesty in mind. Stop by the Turning Pointe front desk on Wednesdays from 4-7 p.m. to meet with her, or visit her website for more information!


4. Use your resources

 When it comes to staying informed, communication is key! Already this week, you should have received our September newsletter, introductions from your student’s teachers, and the first “Weekly Wednesday” communication of the season. If you didn’t receive these emails, please check your spam folders! We’re using a new program to design and streamline our e-blasts this year, and they may be falling in with your junk mail. Be sure to mark Turning Pointe Dance as a trusted sender, then be sure to read each email in its entirety! It can feel like a lot, but nothing takes the joy out of an experience more than not knowing what’s going on. Support your dancer by staying up-to-date on upcoming events like parent peek weeks, exciting opportunities like auditions for our amazing programs, ways to participate in studio outreach initiatives and more!

 Have you followed us on social media yet? Sometimes emails can get buried in a busy day, but a quick follow will put all the latest and greatest information right in the newsfeed where you’re already looking. We’re on Facebook @TurningPointeSchoolOfDanceColorado, and on Instagram @TurningPointeDanceColorado. We also have bulletin boards and displays set up in our lobby, fliers and brochures at the front desk, and a knowledgeable hospitality team ready to provide any information you need, and of course, this blog! Check back all season long for updates, information, and to follow along with our studio-wide monthly devotions and Bible study.


5. Join us in prayer

 While everything on this checklist helps cultivate the culture of Turning Pointe Dance, none do more so than this final item. We are committed to providing excellence in dance and theater instruction while cultivating hearts of worship and nurturing creativity. From your child’s first class to their graduation performance, Turning Pointe has a class for everyone! We specialize in beginners of all ages and offer training through pre-collegiate levels. Our dancers go beyond technique to develop important life skills including learning to be respectful and confident, and share their gifts and talents with the community and beyond!

 Our theme for the studio this year is Magnify: “Oh magnify the Lord with me-let us exalt His name together.” (Psalm 34:3) As we begin our 2024-25 school-year session together, we encourage you to join us in making ourselves smaller and His name bigger, and in lifting our students, staff, and families up in prayer. We pray that God’s presence will fill our space—every room, every hallway—that He would be invited in as we’re welcomed back to dance; that the students and families walking through the door would feel peace amidst the chaos and unknowns of the first week, and that students would make quick connections in their classes with their teachers, class assistants, and other students.

 We pray that you all have a fantastic year dancing at Turning Pointe, and that His name be glorified in every song, count and plié.

 Welcome to Turning Pointe’s season 21! We can’t wait to praise His name with dancing together.

Season 20 Wrap-Up: Living in His AbunDance

As Turning Pointe Dance concludes its 20th anniversary season, we look back with gratitude at how far the studio—and everyone within it—have come. It’s a dream that began when studio owner Tina Cook wrote the idea of being a dance teacher in a notebook at just 8 years old, and over the last two decades, has grown from humble beginnings in church classrooms to the city’s premier faith-based dance studio.

 In studying this year’s theme of “AbunDance” over the last nine months, we’ve learned that true abundance isn’t an overflowing of pomp and splendor, or earthly possessions. Abundance, like everything else in God’s economy, flows from His Spirit within us. It’s the realization that in each and every season, through the trials and the celebrations, we have everything we need because we have Him. It’s not rolling in riches or basking in trophies. It’s confidence in the abundance of God's ability.

 Matthew 6:33 tells us that God will provide an abundant life to those who “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” As the final curtains close on the 2023-24 dance year, we’re celebrating 20 years of being rooted in Him.


2023-24 Season In Review:


 As our students and staff studied the devotional concepts of preparation and cultivating healthy soil, we laid the groundwork for season twenty. We began to tell the Turning Pointe story, and as new and returning students and families passed through the studio doors, we collected more than 100 pounds of wish list items for the Ronald McDonald House of Southern Colorado. The music began to play and steps began to take shape, eight hard-working students received their pointe shoes, and parents got their first glimpse of our foundation at Fall Peek Week.



 Continuing in our Bible study, sowing and nourishment took center stage in our classes, each of which held special Christmas performances for friends and families. Fidèle Youth Dance Company celebrated the culmination of its 10th anniversary season with performances of “Bring Her Home,” an original stage adaptation of the novel by the same name. The Training Division performed Christmas dances for the residents at Brookdale Vista Grande, and Turning Pointe students performed at holiday events across the city, including United Methodist Church’s “Lessons in Carols,” Jared Anderson’s “Christmas This Year,” and Village 7 Presbyterian Church’s Christmas concert. Students in the Teaching Assistant and Intern Program assembled and delivered Operation Christmas Child boxes for Samaritan’s Purse, and worked to put on community events like The Nutcracker Sweet Workshop, and Parent’s Night Out missions fundraiser.



 A brand new year saw devotional studies in waiting and growth as students and staff continued to learn about the studio’s history and the story that brought Turning Pointe to 2024. STARZ Theater Company produced “The Little Mermaid” to kick-off its 11th season, invited students from Title III schools to enjoy a free performance, and performed for sold-out crowds across three days of shows. The Training Division performed for patients, volunteers and staff at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and Fidèle Youth Dance Company’s inaugural mission team kicked off its season with gospel story performances, dancing workshops and prayer services at Liberty Heights Independent Living and First Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study.



 As students began to bloom and bear the fruits of their labor through Spotlight Awards, trial pointe evaluations, costume distribution, and the beginning of progress reports, Turning Pointe studied these concepts Biblically through in-class devotions. Irish classes performed demonstrations and instructors taught Irish group dances at events with the Pike’s Peak Library District, forming a partnership that will continue beyond St. Patrick’s Day and into free community music and movement classes this summer. The FYDC Mission Team traveled to El Salvador, picking up the torch from previous studio trips that were halted by the pandemic nearly 5 years ago. The 14-student team performed the gospel story and taught worship dance across six days in Central America before returning to the U.S. for performances, worship workshops and dance classes at The Vail Church in Avon, Colorado, and at Family Arts Night with D49’s Inspiration Elementary. April wrapped up with Turning Pointe’s second-annual Tutu Fun Run, which raised more than $1,500 for the Baylee Hope Scholarship. Through this and other efforts throughout the year, the fund was able to award $3,000 in scholarships to continue a legacy of love with three of Turning Pointe’s Class of 2024 graduating seniors.



 The last month of this remarkable year featured devotions in abundant harvest, as Turning Pointe Dance was awarded “Best of the Springs” once again by the Colorado Springs Gazette. The studio was given Gold distinction in the categories of Dance Studio for Kids and Dance Studio for Adults, marking the ninth time Turning Pointe has been awarded top honors in these divisions over the last 10 years. STARZ Theater Company took home Best of the Springs Silver for Best Theater Company, and in the Best Musical category for their 2023 production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” To finish the anniversary season, Turning Pointe put on its final 2023-24 performances, hosting 11 recitals at the Wasson Academic Campus Auditorium and 17 Twirl Red Carpet recitals for the tiniest dancers in-studio. More than 900 students took the stage to give their gifts and talents right back to God, praising His name with dance on stage. Performances were attended by dozens of Turning Pointe alumni, and featured testimonial videos from the current class of graduating seniors, studio directors, and even Cook’s childhood dance teacher.

 The last 20 years serve as the first 20 chapters in the Turning Pointe testimony. They prove that God sees our efforts as worthwhile, as long as we are working to build His Kingdom. The Kingdom mindset changes everything. It’s seeing that abundance is all around us—in the smiles of our students, in budding love of dance and theater, and in the warmth of every friendship that started in the studio. It’s in the joy of giving back, serving the community, and using our gifts to bless others. But the best part of abundance is that, even though we undoubtedly grow weary (especially this time of year), God will never run out of abundance. He will always have an abundance of grace, of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, freedom, and redemption. Our studio devotion theme may change year-to-year, but His abundance is and always will be constant.

 As we enter a new chapter, and the next 20 years of Turning Pointe, we pray that we’ll gather in God’s abundance each and every day. We pray to hold an abundance of Thanksgiving in our hearts, and operate from the Fruits of the Spirit He’s so carefully planted, cultivated, and grown in this dream.

 To the directors, teachers, staff, students and families who have been a part of this story, we say THANK YOU. After 20 years in business, there is still nothing better than introducing someone to the joy of dance, watching each student flourish in their gifts, and giving God all the glory. Thank you for trusting the process, for believing in what we do, for reading all of the emails, and for choosing Turning Pointe Dance for your family.

 Here’s to the next 20 years (and beyond)!

May: Harvest

 “What blooms from beautiful seeds of worship becomes a symphony of colorful abundance.”― Jazz Feylynn

 “Harvest.” It’s a concept that’s mentioned in 51 verses across 21 books of the Bible. The common thread? It’s the season of gathering. It’s a celebration of God’s provision. It’s the culmination of months or even years of faithfulness. For dance students, spring recitals represent a season of harvest. Friends and families gather to celebrate their student’s diligence, showcased in the culmination of school year dance and theater classes. This year, Turning Pointe Dance celebrates a harvest even more significant: The conclusion of the studio’s 20th year of operation.

 “I am overwhelmed thinking of the journey we have been on these past 20 years,” Turning Pointe owner Tina Cook said. “From the little dream of an 8 year old until today, God has been faithful in every step. This is all about Him.”

 Sure, recitals are a way to practice a performing art, and to learn more about dance through performance experience. It’s also a great opportunity to wear nice costumes, dance on the big stage under the bright lights, and share everything we’ve worked so hard to learn. But for students at Turning Pointe, this harvest is about so much more. Our mission is to fully develop artistic skills and talents in an atmosphere that glorifies God, and to encourage our students to use their gifts to bless others in our community and beyond. Our long-term goal is to see Turning Pointe students flourish in their gifts and be equipped to go into every man’s world by training the whole person body, mind, and spirit.

 “Thousands of students have come through this studio,” Cook said. “Have they all become professional dancers? No. But we are about more than dance. Dance and theater have always been our vehicle, but it’s not the end goal. Our goal is to point students to Jesus. Whether dance is a part of their life for a mini camp or a year or their whole life, our prayer is that they would know God’s love and feel His delight as they worship Him. This is about Kingdom work. Sometimes it's messy and sometimes we miss the mark. But our goal is to plant eternal seeds of God’s love that will bloom into a garden of magnificent color and beauty and abundance.  We want to grow something that lasts longer than us. We want to create a legacy of praising His name through dance.”

 We hope that at each recital performance, all of our dancers will be big lights that shine for Jesus. We want to glorify God through our bodies with dancing and present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, all of our dancers will be great in their costumes, and they will perform beautifully. Yes, their families will celebrate with them. But more than that, the mission of Turning Pointe will be fulfilled and the heart of God will be blessed and pleased.

 “So often teachers never see the fruit from the seed they planted,” Cook said. “We have students for a short time, but they choose the path they will take and what they will move forward with. Seeing the gathering of alumni coming back for recitals, and everyone at the studio who is praying and investing in this next generation of dancers, and celebrating this story—my heart is bursting just imagining it.

 So let’s celebrate! Let’s celebrate what God has done. How He has “done far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine,” and the part YOU have in this story of His goodness. He has done GREAT things, and we are filled with JOY! Let’s celebrate a harvest! Let’s celebrate His blessings and favor in AbunDANCE! Happy 20th Turning Pointe Dance!”

Processing Your Progress Report

This week at Turning Pointe Dance, dancers will come home with student evaluations, with recommended class placements for the fall entered into online portals by May 8. With this, both tension and emotions will be on the rise! But these sheets aren’t meant to be a point of stress. They’re meant to be a checkpoint of encouragement, designed to keep our students safe and developing properly in a way that honors our studio’s uniquely gospel-driven mission. If you’re having trouble navigating these waters, here are our top tips for processing your progress reports.


1. Keep Some Perspective

 They say most despair can be solved with a little dose of perspective. The same can be said for handling success with humility and grace. Regardless of what your student evaluations say, it’s important to see the picture, and not just the paper.

 While this time of year puts heavy focus on completing a grade level and moving on to a new class, it’s important to remember that dance does not run parallel with school. While the expected duration of each grade is one year, each level in dance typically requires 2-3 years to master. At Turning Pointe, our most advanced classes reach Level 5—a number less than half the number of years in a traditional journey from elementary school to high school graduation.

 Ultimately our goal for each student is advancement through proficiency, but at each level, we don’t just focus on technique and mastery of skills. We’re training and developing the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. There’s so much more happening in each class than a piece of paper or a class placement can represent! It’s so important to keep that in mind.

 And because God made each and every one of us so very differently, it is both possible and necessary to assign a dance development level based on readiness. That means students aren’t moved up based on age or time-served, but rather on their proficiency in the targets of technique, concepts and etiquette set forth in our carefully developed curriculum. Simply put, each level builds upon the skills developed in the level prior, so dancers are asked to master their level targets before it is safe to advance, and each student advances at his or her own pace.


2. Acknowledge the Purpose

 Believe it or not, student evaluations are meant to be an encouragement! They provide a valuable checkpoint, feedback on where each dancer has improved, and where they should shift their focus next. But the primary reason for evaluating students each year? To keep them safe! Dancers who don't master essential skills in the curriculum in one level before moving to the next run a significant risk of injury. Without a proper foundation, the walls of what we’re building will fall. As artists, our bodies are our tools, so it’s important to honor God’s creation (that’s you!) by keeping it healthy and safe. So while a student might say they already know all the steps they’re doing in class, proficiency in technique is in the details. It’s not just about knowing what to do, it’s about consistently doing something well—well enough to build upon safely in the next steps of advancement.

 It’s also important to remember that setbacks and hurt aren’t always physical. Students who are moved up before they’re ready will struggle to keep up in their next classes, lose confidence, experience burnout, or begin to resent or dread coming to class. Dancers progress at their own individual rates. Some skills come easier to some than others. We want to encourage the overall health, both mentally and physically, that’s required for safe progression. The purpose is not to break up friend groups, to discourage students or to cultivate frustration. The purpose is to place each student in the right setting and teaching environment to experience safe and successful advancement that fosters a love of dancing, a love of God, and a love of the arts.


3. Practice Your Patience

 Easier said than done, right? But all year long we’ve been studying the progression of growth, from the cultivation of soil to the eventual celebration of harvest. In doing so, each class has talked through and prayed over each devotional prompt. You see, no two flowers bloom at the same time—even those planted right next to each other. As you process your feedback, remember that we pray through these principles in class not just to talk the talk, but to walk the walk with Him. Growth happens in God’s time, and now is the perfect time to put the concepts we’ve studied into practice.

 If your progress report isn’t what you thought it would be, remember this month’s focus: He is the vine, we are the branches. Apart from Him, we wither. If we place the weight of our value in any other hands (like a progress report), we replant ourselves away from our source of life, and we’re sentencing ourselves to frustration and disappointment. But if we remain in Him, trust His plan and trust this process, choosing instead to work within the wait for our advancement to the next level, His reward is promised, and the harvest season is coming. If you’re climbing up the ladder of development, remember why God calls us up to bloom. Spoiler alert: It’s not for our own glory or benefit.


4. Approach it with Prayer

 This one is last, but not least. In fact, it’s above all else.

 God calls us to pray for our enemies and love those who persecute us, but oftentimes we think of “enemies” as the “bad guys” in the movies. But in real life, our persecutors aren’t people out to get us. There aren’t big screen villains, just people competing for the same things. That is, dancers in a season of joy while we’re in a season of sorrow. And it leads to jealousy, comparison, and resentment. We fall into thoughts of: “Why did that person move up and not me?” “I’ve been in this class longer than them, why do they get to move up?” or “I’m x-y-z years old, why aren’t I getting the same opportunities as the other students my age?” “What am I doing wrong?” “Why aren’t I good enough?” That is of course what we say, because we’re human. We live in a fallen world. But what does the Bible say? According to scripture, now is the time to rejoice. And now is the time to rejoice together.

 A classmate or friend who got moved up is not your enemy. They are not against you, and neither is your teacher. God calls us to pray for one another, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. So approach each progress report in prayer—not just for ourselves, for our own reactions and our own hurt, but for the success of others. That the body of Christ as a whole would thrive in His name, however that looks.

 The Bible also instructs us to strive each day to be more like Jesus, and He never compared Himself to others, or showed jealousy toward His fellow men. We dance each day to reflect our Heavenly Father—the one who planted these dreams of dancing in our hearts, and the one we now trust to see those plans through. Lastly, scripture states there is an appointed time for ALL things. These are more than lessons in dancing. They’re lessons in faith, and in life, understanding the value of working hard, holding fast to a dream despite the obstacles in a given moment, and the joy of encouraging and strengthening those around us.

 So as we walk through this week together, we look forward to helping our students develop, grow, and advance towards their dreams as we hold fast to the goals and mission of our unique studio environment.

 Thank you for entrusting Turning Pointe Dance with your unique story. Thank you for trusting the process and the development of the whole person in each of our students. Thank you for counting it all joy as we all work to praise His name with dancing!

A Legacy of Love

Just one day after her earthside arrival, Baylee Hope Nelson was called back home to her Father in Heaven. This Sunday, Turning Pointe Dance invites its students and their families and friends to continue her legacy of love at the second-annual Baylee Hope Fun Run, set for April 21, at 2 p.m. near the Palmer Lake Trail entrance.

“Baylee was always loved,” her mother, Turning Pointe teacher Morgan Nelson said in a video published by the studio. “She was loved in utero … She was loved in our arms, and now she’s loved in the arms of Jesus.”

Presented annually at the studio’s spring recital showcase, The Baylee Hope Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Nelson’s daughter, who was born March 14, 2019, and passed away unexpectedly on March 15.

“It was terrible. We didn’t see it coming,” Nelson said in the video. “It shook us all. Later that summer, Ms. Tina (Cook) and Ms. Jennifer (Pederson) came to me with the idea of starting the Baylee Hope Scholarship in honor of her, and that was really special.”

Since it was established in the summer of 2019, the Baylee Hope Scholarship has annually awarded funds to applicants selected from Turning Pointe’s graduating seniors. In addition to donating proceeds from snacks sold at recital performances, and year-round in the studio lobby, last spring, the studio held the inaugural Baylee Hope Fun Run, which raised more than $1,000 for the scholarship fund.

“The goal of the Baylee Hope Scholarship is for the love to continue through the seniors who are going off to college, or whatever they’re pursuing after high school,” Nelson said. “To share that love to those around them.”

This year’s event hopes to surpass last year’s fundraising efforts to spur on a new generation of dancers who will share their love of Jesus with the world. Registration is $50 per family and $15 per person when you register in advance; Registration is $55 per family and $20 per person when you register on-site. Registration includes a Fun Run swag bag, and participants are encouraged to wear their best tutu to run, walk or dance the 2.2-mile distance.

 To participate in the 2024 Baylee Hope Fun Run, meet us at the welcome tables near the Palmer Lake Trail entrance at 104 Oakdale Drive around 2 p.m. this Sunday. While Baylee Hope did not get the chance to become a dancer here with us, her memory will live on as she dances in Heaven through the seniors who receive her namesake scholarship each year. So grab your friends, neighbors and fellow students, purchase concessions at our upcoming studio events and recitals, or pair your running shoes with your favorite tutu and join us for this weekend’s celebration.


Click HERE to register for the 2024 Baylee Hope 2.2 (tutu) Fun Run. To make a donation to the Baylee Hope Scholarship Fund, please click HERE.

April: Bear Fruit

Imagine if all of your busyness, in the end, amounted to nothing. Imagine if the activities and work you’ve poured yourself into failed to add up to anything of lasting value. It’s a harsh reality to come to terms with, especially in the world of theater and dance, when a performance we’ve worked all year to perfect will exist only in our memories as soon as the curtain closes. But when we nurture our own desires and ideas, or dance for our own glory, that’s exactly what will happen. In this month’s studio-wide verse, Jesus tells us that, unless we’re living in Him, and He in us, all of our running and chasing and striving will amount to nothing.

 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”   — John 15:5

 Just as with the seedlings we’ve studied in our devotions all season long, only what has been planted and cultivated by the creator will thrive. When those buds and blooms are cut, picked, or otherwise separated from their source of life, they don’t survive. Likewise, in our lives, when we’re separated from the one who breathes life into all creation, we’re left to wilt and crumble. Only what flows out of a dynamic, living relationship with God will result in this month’s devotional focus: to bear fruit. And not just any blossom, but true, lasting fruit.

 “Have you ever been in a situation where there are so many good things that you just want to do all of them? Or you want to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way? When I think about bearing fruit, I’m reminded that we can’t grow too many things in one space because they suck the life and the nutrients from each other,” Turning Pointe owner Tina Cook said. “The fruit suffers if we don’t weed. If we spread too thin, damage the roots, or if too many things are growing, then nothing is fruitful. We have to make space for healthy roots to grow deep and decide what’s most important.”

 Simply put, our doing for Jesus has to flow out of our being with Jesus. Which means we need to look at what we’re chasing, double-check where the roots are planted, and choose what matters.

 “We plant seeds because eventually, we hope it will bear fruit,” Cook said. “And while we may see fruit beginning to grow on our plant, there are still things we need to do to tend to it, like weeding and pruning to make sure it stays healthy.”

 In the Fall of 2019, 15 years after Turning Pointe was planted, a fruit-bearing goal was set to reach 1,000 students—a rare feat for any dance studio, let alone a religious one. But by February 2020, with a then enrollment of 1,002, Turning Pointe celebrated the faithfulness of our Father, who created this dream in its staff, and allowed the studio to share the Gospel through dance with so many students.

 “We had a lot of things growing at this time,” Cook said. “Our processes were running like clockwork, and our team was all in.”

 But in March that same year, everything changed when the COVID-19 pandemic delivered a devastating hit to the world and the theater/arts community. Regular classes moved to Zoom, Twirl program classes were pre-recorded. Even three months later, lower-level recitals were performed distanced, two-to-four dancers at a time with limited guests, and the advanced showcase was performed in sections, distanced and outdoors.

 “I could go on and on about how many students we lost, how I had to reinvent the business overnight, or how I didn’t eat or sleep for months because I was so anxious about the unknown,” Cook said. “But we ALL have stories of struggle during that time. Looking back, what I am most grateful for is the way we were able to make space to decide what was most important. Once again, I was brought to a place of surrender. It’s not about my effort to grow or bear fruit. Any good thing, any fruit from the vine comes from Him.”

 Our own strength is not enough. We need to draw our strength from the vine if we want our lives to bear fruit for God’s kingdom. The most important part of the Christian life is the part that only God sees. We find God’s deepest blessing when we spend time at the feet of the One who knows and loves us best.

 “We learned the importance of community,” Cook said. “Nothing can replace being together. That’s the way God wired us. I’m so thankful that dance is not a solo effort. It’s a team performing art. We rely on each other and we rely on God! We are connected to His vine. Through that difficult season of pruning and weeding and tending, we were making space to bear fruit that will last.”

TP Top 3: Reasons to Sign up for Summer Dance Classes

Even though school-year classes are out of session, summer can be a great time to focus on dance. There are fewer distractions, less homework and no recital choreography to remember! At Turning Pointe, we promote safety through ongoing training, cross training, and intentional periods of rest. Our summer session classes are six weeks, giving both new and returning students a low-commitment opportunity to grow as dancers and use their gifts for God (with plenty of rest and open time on the summer calendar).

 Why? Because even with summer camps, vacations and other seasonal obligations, being diligent with attendance in summer dance classes will give you a huge advantage when regular classes start back up. Still not convinced? It’s as simple as retain, refresh and refine! Read on for more on our top three reasons to stay (or start!) dancing this summer, and why Turning Pointe Dance is the best place to take summer dance classes in Colorado Springs.



 Taking summer dance classes can help retain your muscle memory, minimize muscle soreness and chance for injury, and increase flexibility, strength and technique so you don't miss a beat when the school-year session starts up again in September. Students work hard during each school-year session. Don’t let your progress slide! Our muscles need to be active in their training. And just like our faith, when we ignore them, they lose their strength. By continuing your training through the summer months, you’re setting yourself up for strength and success!



 The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples. And as dancers, they're also our tools for worship! Summer classes are a great time to focus on the care and maintenance of your temple, whether that's building strength in a Ballet class, re-energizing your heart in a Worship class, or unwinding after a long season with a simple technique or improv concept class. Turning Pointe’s summer class schedule has everything from acting and vocal classes to combos and choreography, and strength and stretch, plus all the basics and classic classes you’re looking for. There’s even a class just to improve your floorwork! Whatever you need to reset your mind, body and skills, we’ve got a summer dance class for you.



 What better way to refine your focus than to set some summer goals! Want to master that pirouette? How about getting all the way down in those left splits? Even if it's as simple as building strength in your ankles or improving your turnout, summer is the perfect time to work toward those milestones. With all that happens during the school-year session (between peek weeks, costumes, choreography, and progress reports), it’s easy to get distracted from your original focus or intention. Summer dance classes allow you to work steadily toward your goals without the other class obligations. You’ll be amazed at the progress you’ll make with six weeks of dedication!

 Ready to set your summer schedule? Our six week session starts June 10, and registration is open NOW! Find everything you need to know on our website, including registration and tuition requirements, class descriptions, and even the dress code for summer dance classes and camps.

 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."

 — Romans 12:1

March: Bloom

“Bloom is one of my favorite words,” studio owner Tina Cook said, reflecting on the 20-year journey of Turning Pointe Dance. “In nature, when we see a bloom on a plant or tree, it’s a sign that fruit is coming. It indicates a time of beauty and freshness. I also love the old adage of blooming where we are planted, to not wish we were somewhere else in our journey, but to be content with where God has us in those moments—to let the petals of our lives unfold as worship before Him.”

 As the studio’s Bidecennial celebration grows closer to its finish line, and classes start to wrap up the steps for their final performance—as our students and families start to feel and see the first hints of spring, this month, we’re studying what it means to bloom, and praying through Isaiah 35:1-2…

 “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.  Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.”

 When a recital dance is finished, it feels like a preview of its grand finale. It brings about a sense of finality in what you’ve been working toward as you prepare to reach a final performance, under the lights, on the big stage. When a plant or a tree blooms, it’s a sign to us that fruit is on its way, and that the work done so far will pay off with a harvest. But a bloom is more than a promise. Each plant blossoms for a purpose, much like we, as Christians, were not saved from something, but for something even bigger. Some blooms produce pollen for the earth that helps other flowers grow. Others provide shade, food or habitats for the living things around them.

 You see, a plant doesn’t bloom through its own power. When planted and cultivated properly, it can’t help it! It doesn’t bloom for its own sake, and neither should we. If we’re truly blooming from being deeply rooted in Him, and offering our petals as worship, it’s our purpose to share the fragrance of salvation here on earth, and to spread the vibrant hues of His light to those around us.

 In 2012, having just grown into the Training Center, Turning Pointe began to bloom in its new space. And with that, began to share the beauty of God’s work to the surrounding community. The newly-formed companies and divisions took on service projects with Title III schools, worked volunteer shifts and collected donations for Care and Share Food Bank, and started performing for nursing homes in the area twice a year. Students went on the studio’s first mission trip, and boxes in the lobby began collecting donations for local shelters and resource centers. These initiatives are still alive, well, and growing today as we continue to live out our mission and connect our faith to action.

 But with blooming also comes expansion, be it in the form of larger blossoms or fruit itself. For Turning Pointe Dance, that meant another season of relocation after another season of growth.

 “I wanted to stay planted,” Cook said. “Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? In 2017 our lease would be up at the Briargate Blvd and Union space, and it was apparent I needed to look for another solution. The growth was not slowing down and we were just out of space. We had bloomed where we were planted, and now needed to be repotted in a larger vessel.”

 But just as a plant can’t help but bloom, after the first decade of careful planting and cultivated dreams, in God’s perfect time, Turning Pointe blossomed through a process of details only He could orchestrate so smoothly.

 “Trembling and afraid, we took a step and purchased the 15,000 square-foot building that is now our beautiful Turning Pointe home at Library Lane,” Cook said. “I knew that once again, with this repotting, that growth would happen again. But this time I had a lot more help in the endeavor. My prayer has always been and always will be that I want Turning Pointe to be a place where we praise His name with dance. So whether we are in a 15,000 square-foot building or a carpeted church classroom, the heart and mission remains—it’s all about Him.”

 “There are days when I miss our small beginnings as a little seed or even a sprout, but then I look around at all of the beautiful blossoms and vibrant colors all around me in the people He has brought to this garden and I’m so thankful.”