Construction Update #3

So, the good news is we finally have permits and work is happening on the inside of the building...yay! The bad news is we were just thrown a curve ball...because of our change of use and occupancy a sprinkler system has to be added to the main level (there is already one in the basement). This wasn't a major deal until we found out that we also have to add it to the attic space, which either means taking out the entire ceiling or cutting and patching lots of the ceiling. They are telling us it could take a month for design, approval through regional, and installation, so we're working through those details to see if there is a way to speed up the process.

To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement...I want to be in our new home more than anyone!! So thank you for your patience as we navigate all of these details. I know the question on everyone's mind is "when are we moving?" That is a great question and one I would like to know the answer to as well:) As soon as I know, I will pass that information along, but for now, hang tight!! Parking is maddening, the lobby is crowded, the 4th studio is inconvenient...but good things are on the horizon. Thank you for your support, belief in Turning Pointe, and prayers! The song "Take Courage" has been speaking to my heart especially this week and I hope these words encourage you too:

Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing

Sing praise my soul
Find strength in joy
Let His Words lead you on
Do not forget
His great faithfulness
He'll finish all He's begun

Specific prayer requests:
*Peace in the process
*Favor and timing