Construction Update #2

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape." This is something we're continuing to learn in this process and are just walking each day by faith. 

Lots of things are happening on the outside of the building! We have a new coat of paint that has given the building a fresh look (thank you Meinz family) and that is still being completed. In the basement, Mr. Swank (along with the help of Mr. Peterson and Josiah Swank) built us an amazing costume room for all of our costumes to hang in! We are so excited to get in there and organize and be able to see what we have instead of looking through bins. What a huge blessing! You'll also see a pic of our storage room which is packed right now with Fidele sets. And the parking lot will be resurfaced and repainted in the next few weeks! 

As far as the inside of the building, we still do not have permits. We've run into some issues and the architect and engineers are working to get them resolved and get us moving forward in the process. This has been the most difficult part and much of it is out of my control. We were on a tight timeline to begin with and will most likely be starting our fall classes in our current space, so as we have more details and the plan is coming together we will be in touch with our families. I'm encouraging myself and all of our families to see the big picture...we WILL be in the building, we just don't know exactly when yet. This is God's building and He is going to do it His we're trusting Him and asking for continued prayer. It is going to be worth the wait, you guys!

Work Day- Saturday August 19th from 2-5pm (note time change) at the new studio 5540 Library Lane. Please no children! This is a construction site and they could get hurt very easily. We will be pulling weeds/pruning bushes, organizing the basement, and putting together IKEA furniture. If there are any dads/brothers who feel the Lord laying on their heart to cut down the native grass/weeds behind the building, that would be a huge blessing. Things to bring: weed eaters, garden/work gloves, tools for furniture, drills, trowels or gardening tools. We'll also be having a prayer time starting at 2:00...I want to bathe this place inside and out with prayer! We need some breakthroughs, so I think that calls for some TP family prayer time! 

Thank you all so much for your support and for believing in this God-sized dream. We'll continue to keep you updated.