El Salvador 2019 - Day Four - Power of Generosity

This morning we headed out to España, a public, all girls school in San Salvador. España is one of our favorite places to go as a team. The girls there embody the Salvadoran culture of generosity and openness, and it is so special to get to minister to them.

"I told one of the girls I was talking to I liked her earrings and she gave them to me as a gift. She didn't even think twice- she just wanted me to have them. This week I've been learning to not question what God's doing in my life and to just receive what he has for me, and this girl was a beautiful reminder of that." -Maegan Winter {Side note: in Salvadoran culture, giving gifts in this way is very normal. Our translators assured the team that they should accept any gifts they were given and that it was culturally okay!}

We got to spend some time playing with younger students and talking with older ones before we performed. We had a great time practicing our Spanish, and they had a great time practicing their English!

“It was cool to see how the language barrier wasn’t really a problem to communicate with them. It was cool to see when some of our team members were praying for the students, they were able to show emotions and they felt comfortable with people that they did not know because they trusted us.” Abbie Van Horn

Both of our performances at España were so anointed. We could feel the girls really listening and responding, and had some amazing times of prayer with and over many of them. So many of our team members fell in love with this school!

Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel and spent the rest of the afternoon in prayer, fellowship, and debriefing. This evening it poured buckets of rain, hard enough to knock mangos out of the mango tree by our hotel! Several of the team members thought it was hailing for a moment, thanks to our spring hailstorms in Colorado.

We're all so excited for our outreach tomorrow- we will be heading out Santa Ana to perform for 650 people in El Salvador's national theater, followed by doing some street ministry by performing in the park across the street from the theater. Be praying for the spirit to fill us and allowing us to serve well!

Love, Team El Salvador