El Salvador 2019 - Day Three - Poesia

The team woke up this morning well rested and ready to serve! Our breakfast included fresh papaya, watermelon, and pineapple. Fruit in Central America is so delicious! We heard from a group of team members on the idea of hope for our devotion, then headed to the bus to roll out.

Today, we visited a church in San Salvador called Poesia, which translates to poetry. Upon arrival, we met some new translators and got the opportunity to sit down with them and listen to their stories. It was so cool to get to connect with them!

“I met one of our translators on the team, Anna, who was very connected to the spirit and it was so neat to hear about her life and her experiences with other mission teams before us.” -Ally Williams

When we headed into the church, we had the opportunity to participate in some pre-service prayer time. Then, when the service began, we spent an hour in worship with the people at the church. While they sang in Spanish, we sang in English. What a beautiful example of every tongue, every tribe, every nation- this is what the kingdom of heaven looks like!

“I was sitting down in the church and I was listening to the Lord and I felt the Lord say ‘The spanish language is the beautiful language I have created.’” - Anah Swank

We performed Spellbound and gave testimony. We then had the opportunity to talk with some of the congregation and pray for them, and received prayer from them. Again, what a beautiful example of what the kingdom of heaven looks like!

“I had the opportunity to pray for a man who felt he had no purpose from the lord. He said he needed prayer to find the direction in his life.  This man was brought to tears by my prayer. It was absolutely incredible to feel that I had impacted a complete stranger’s life because of the words God spoke through me.” - Kensley White

After the service was over, we were invited to eat lunch with the congregation. They served us an amazing meal of chicken, rice, and veggies. We had the opportunity to financially bless them and their ministry, as well, by purchasing Poesia shirts, which the team was all about.

After lunch and saying our goodbyes to the church, we went down to a market to find gifts to bring back to our families. We had a great time bartering and exploring, as well as practicing our spanish. This evening was sent debriefing the day and sharing in fellowship before heading to bed. We’re all looking forward to our next ministry day tomorrow!

Love, Team El Salvador