It's Time for Virtual Peek Week!

 Have you heard? Fall Peek Week has gone VIRTUAL! October 5-10 is Fall Peek Week for Turning Pointe classes, but as is the case with most events/activities this fall, this year’s viewing will look just a bit different. While we remain committed to providing a safe and healthy dance experience for everyone, we also recognize the importance of seeing your student’s progress and sharing in the joy of dance with them! So here’s how it works:

 Step 1: Bring your dancer to class at their normal times this week. Your student’s instructor will take it from there! Videos will be taken all week long showcasing what each class has been learning and working on. Our students and dedicated instructors have been hard at work, and we can’t wait for you to see what they’ve been up to!

 Step 2: Keep an eye on your email! Peek Week videos will be added to the “Class Materials” section of your DanceWorks account. When they’re ready and available for viewing, you’ll get an email letting you know they’re there. Each class will have 5-10 minutes of virtual peek footage, so sit back, relax and enjoy your student’s demonstration! Videos will be added to your account in the next week and available to view through the end of the 2020-21 dance year.

 Step 3: Share your student’s success! Download your student’s Peek Week videos and share them with grandparents, friends and other family members. If you share them on social media, don’t forget to tag Turning Pointe School of Dance (Facebook) or @turningpointedancecolorado (Instagram) and use our 2020-21 hashtag: #TPBLVD.

 That’s all there is to it! We appreciate your willingness to try something new this season, and encourage you to celebrate your dancer and their progress this fall. We love seeing your kids every week and getting to minister the love of Christ to them. We’re honored to be included in this journey with you!