October Devotional: Belong

“In the same way, even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other.”   — Romans 12:5

For the month of October, students in our upper-level classes are studying the word “Belong” as they read Romans 12:5... “In the same way, even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other.” (Look for a guide to the October verse/Fruit of the Spirit for the Twirl Program next week!)

“Belong” can be such a tricky word. Its very definition suggests that we need to be included—that our place is to be part of a larger group. It gives the sense that we are to blend in if we want to belong. Here’s the tricky part: As Christians, we’re called to stand out! In fact, just two verses prior to this month’s verse, God tells us NOT to conform. We are instead called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we might be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2).

So how do we find a sense of belonging?

All too often we look for our place in this world just there, in the world, rather than seeing the “larger group” as the body of Christ. As the old hymn says, turn your eyes upon Jesus! Our verse this month tells us that God connects us, as individuals, into one body. To belong is not to conform. It’s to be a part of something bigger.

Have you ever compared yourself to your friends? How about other dancers in your class? Dancers on stage? It’s easy to do when we’re trying to fit in or belong in a certain space. But here’s the thing… we’re not all called to be ears or legs! We’re assembled into one body, by God, just as we are. Trying to belong to anything else is like comparing apples to oranges—or hands to feet! How wonderful to know that we are exactly where God wants us, each individually created to fit perfectly into His plan and place for us! We are assembled as one body, in His name.

This month, let’s stop trying to belong to this world or blend in with others. Let’s instead focus on His calling for us, not as a part of a group, but as a member of His Kingdom. We belong to Jesus. We are His forever, free from sin and redeemed. What a beautiful thing!

Worship with Us!

Need a timeout to recenter your heart on this month’s scripture? Throw on some of these songs and dance it out! Listen to the lyrics, close your eyes and let the Lord move you. Not in class, not in front of a mirror. Just you and the Father.

●      “I Belong to Jesus (Oh Hallelujah)”  — Selah

●      “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” — Lauren Diagle

●      “Where We Belong” — Hillsong Worship

●      “I Belong to You” — Eleven22 Worship

●      “We Belong to You” — Vineyard Worship