Twirl Bible Study- October

Every month, all of our classes will study a specific verse to encourage them to grow in their faith. All of the Twirl classes study a verse that accompanies a different Fruit of the Spirit.

For October, they will be talking about kindness and Ephesians 4:32:

“Be kind to one another.”

 We want to encourage your family to make learning about this verse and kindness a family activity! Here are a few ways you can do this all week long.

Just like last month, your dancer’s teacher will be talking about this verse each week and trying to encourage them to memorize it. This is something easy you can do at home too! Try saying the verse together at the same time each day. Maybe you can say it before bedtime, or at breakfast. For students who are learning to read, you could also make a simple puzzle by writing each word of the verse on a sticky note, then helping them to put the words in the correct order.

If you want to further your family’s discussion about kindness, try using a Bible app or concordance to see what other verses you can find. You could try looking for verses that use the word kindness or kind. Or even look for stories of characters who are kind to others. Then ask questions that encourage them to think about how to be kind in their own life.

Who are we supposed to be kind to? What does it mean to be kind? Who in your life, is kind to you? Why do you think God wants us to be kind?

Practice Kindness
The best way to learn is to practice! So for this month, try and find a way to practice kindness together as a family. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started: 

●      Together, make a list of ways to be kind to your family (take turns, pick up, help with chores, etc.), and then when you see them doing one of those things, let them know that they are being kind and you are grateful.

●      “Fill someone’s bucket” or bowl or cup or whatever you have around the house. Do this activity by sitting together as a family and taking turns saying nice things about one person. You can say things about how they are helpful, creative, brave, etc. and try to give examples for them. Have someone write these things down so that you can go over them again later.

●      Find someone who maybe needs some kindness. Maybe it’s a neighbor, friend, or someone at your church who is going through a tough time. Together you can make them a sunshine kit. Just take a box and fill with things meant to brighten their day. This could be kind notes, something yummy to eat, pictures drawn by the family, or even something more specific to that person. You never know how much this might encourage someone!

Learning kindness is an important aspect of being a Christ-follower. We can show His love to others by extending kindness and thoughtfulness at each opportunity. Even our youngest dancers can be impacted by learning how to be kind to their family and friends. We pray that our studio will be known for it’s kind and loving dancers and that it will be a studio culture. This is something that even the littlest dancer can take with them wherever they go!