Turning Pointe's Top 5 Tips For a Successful Dance Year

Can you believe we’re up and running on another dance year? As the premiere faith-based dance studio in Colorado Springs, we’ve got almost 20 years of experience under our belt… and we even feel those first class nerves sometimes! We know what you’re asking. “What does my child need for dance?” “How can I help my child succeed this dance year?” “How can I calm my dancer’s nerves?” We hear you, and we’re here to help! Turning Pointe is committed to providing excellence in dance and theater instruction while cultivating hearts of worship and nurturing creativity. From your child’s first class to their graduation performance, we’re here to make sure each student thrives in His name, every step of the way.

While there’s plenty of information out there, let’s start small with these simple steps to kickoff a successful dance year:

1. Read Your Resources

As parents, we’re inundated with information about our kids' activities. But even though it feels like a lot, keeping up with communication really is the easiest way to keep yourself in the loop! At Turning Pointe, we send an informational email each week and a newsletter each month to keep all of our dancers and families informed. Did you know we offer free trial weeks, the chance to bring a friend to class and parent peek weeks three times a year? We even host monthly outreach initiatives to shine the light of Christ to our community! Staying in the know will keep you one step ahead. And believe us… knowing what’s going on and what’s coming up goes a long way toward being calm and prepared! Which brings us to tip number 2…

2. Be Prepared

There’s nothing like scrambling at the last minute to send nerves flurrying on your way to class. Set your child up for success by arriving prepared and ready to go! Everything you need is already just a click away. Students received an email from their teachers prior to the first week of classes with information about the dress code, how to check which studio their class is in, what to bring to class, and even which Bible verse we’ll be studying this month. Take some time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and policies from dancewear to registration and tuition so nothing comes as a surprise. If you didn’t receive an email from your teacher, or haven’t received a Weekly Wednesday from the studio, let us know at customercare@turningpointeschoolofdance.com. We’ll make sure your information is entered correctly and up-to-date!

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

Now that classes are up and running, it’s time to put that old saying to the test: Practice makes perfect! Encourage your dancer to practice what they learned in class at home so they’re comfortable and prepared for the next week. Have them teach you what they’re working on, or even give a dance class to their siblings and stuffed animals. The more familiar they are with their targets and material, the more comfortable and confident they’ll be. But parents, let’s not leave all the practicing to the dancers! Practice arriving for class on time, asking your dancer about their memory verse for the month, and having the proper clothes and shoes clean and ready to go before dance class days. That preparedness will rub off on everyone!

4. Trust the process

Just like in life, there will always be peaks and valleys to dance through. While it may seem overwhelming, or like your dancer has been working on the same steps forever, or even that they’ve been in the same level without moving up for too long, trusting the process will allow every dancer to thrive. Some steps are difficult and take longer to learn. Some levels are harder to advance beyond. While Turning Pointe uses a thoughtful curriculum designed to safely develop each dancer from first class to advanced student, God has gifted us all in different ways! Every class and every dancer’s progression is different. Trust the process, and encourage your dancer to do the same. We promise, there’s success in every season!

5. Have FUN!

Last but not least, be sure to have fun! Leave the world at the door and enter the studio ready to make friends, be inspired and leave refreshed. Whether this is your first time in class or you’ve been with us all 19 years, we invite you to experience the JOY at Turning Pointe. Our instructors are trained and ready to help you fall in love with dance as a mentor, leader and teacher. We’re all learning to use our gifts for His glory. What could be greater than that?