Gifts—the dictionary defines them as things given willingly to someone without payment. The Bible defines them similarly. Scriptures refer to gifts as offerings given to God, acts of kindness and love among people, or spiritual abilities bestowed by God, all signifying grace, generosity, and God's provision. And all meant to be willingly given to others without expectation.
While all of our students and staff are gifted dancers, teachers, actors, communicators, etc., this month’s studio verse reminds us that being a good steward of those gifts is just as important as refining your skills in training and classes. The apostle Peter lays it all out for us:
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace … in order that in everything God may be glorified through Christ Jesus. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever, amen.”
—1 Peter 4:10-11
Whether it’s on stage or off of it, each one of our gifts is a manifestation of God’s grace, meant to be shared, and meant to be a reflection of Him in us. But these gifts, no matter how great, weren’t given for the glory of our own talent, or for the purpose of our own self-discovery. They were given that we might magnify Him through service—with His strength, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
Turning Pointe Dance is committed to providing excellence in dance and theater instruction while cultivating hearts of worship and nurturing creativity. We believe every class is an opportunity to dance with and for the Lord, and every performance, recital and peek week is an opportunity to shine His light to others. More than that, we believe in using our gifts and talents to serve others, be it through mission trips, community service, or outreach initiatives, to shine His light beyond our classroom and auditorium walls.
Last year we kicked off our school-year session with a donation drive for Hunger Action Month, benefitting Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado. As grocery prices remain high and families in our community deal with the reduction of federal food benefits, more of our neighbors are turning to Care and Share's network of partner food pantries and meal programs for help. Through the generosity of our dance family, Turning Pointe Dance was able to give around 160 lbs. of food to this network. Our students also shared their gifts at Magnificent Obsession, a performance that featured several of the state’s ensembles for a unique worship dance concert.
Our Training Division continued their annual outreach tradition with a Christmas performance for our senior neighbors at Brookdale Vista Grande, while other students performed with Jared Anderson’s Christmas This Year and the Village 7 Presbyterian Christmas Concert. Students from Twirl to adult had the opportunity to spread joy through more than 100 Christmas peek week performances, and a Parent’s Afternoon Out event started raising funds for Fidele Youth Dance Company’s mission trip to El Salvador, planned for March 2026.
At the start of 2025, STARZ Theater Company kicked off their 12th season with performances of Peter Pan, partnering with Every Village for cast devotions and opportunities to support the ministry. The Training Division sent a team to demonstrate and teach dance to families at District 49’s Inspiration Elementary Arts Night, and our students, staff, and families created hundreds of handmade valentines for Springs Rescue Mission’s Acts of Hope.
So far this month, members of Fidele Youth Dance Company’s 2024 Mission Team performed for the Daughters of the King women’s Bible study, and the Turning Pointe Dance interns got together to choreograph, perform and film four children’s worship songs for World Challenge, a nonprofit ministry in the Springs. Each video will be used in a Christian music curriculum, World Challenge Kids, which will teach dance to students in ministry programs across the world, including through a new partnership with an orphanage in Afghanistan.
But the work isn’t done yet. Peter gave us a call to service, and we’ll continue to steward the gifts of our Turning Pointe family for His glory on the stage, in our community, and beyond.
Upcoming Service Projects & Opportunities to SHINE:
● March 31-April 5 we’ll host our dance families for Spring Peek Week
● The Training Division will carry out an Outreach Day April 11-12, teaching and dancing with Sunrise United Methodist Church, Children’s Hospital Colorado Springs, and Bethesda Senior Living, among others. If you know a community we should add to the day’s itinerary, send us a message!
● During the month of May, we’ll be hosting an end-of-year drive for our community—keep an eye out for more information and donation drop-off bins in the lobby at recitals!