All school year long we’ve been walking through ways we can magnify the Lord through our dance training, our classroom relationships, and our stage performances. But did you know it’s just as important to pause sometimes? It’s true! Even Jesus rested, and encouraged His disciples to do the same. In fact, throughout the scriptures, God offers rest as a blessing to those who fully trust in Him. As much as we love working toward our goals, taking the time to rest and refresh our bodies and hearts is His design and plan for us, and even commanded throughout the Bible. So as you’re missing classes and itching to get back to work this week (as most dancers tend to do), remember, this isn’t wasted time. It’s an opportunity to magnify the Lord through rest.
Active Rest, Active Worship
True rest is an active participation in God’s grace. Yes, the scriptures also warn against sloth, but a one-week break does not make a lazy heart—especially when you’re intentionally seeking God’s presence and renewal during periods of rest, rather than simply ceasing activity. So this week, times when you’d usually be in school or working at the studio can be times of intentional connection with God. Use it to commune with Him, and be refreshed in His presence. Here’s some ways you can go about it:
● Spend time in prayer (free from distractions)
● Spend time in the scriptures (journal your way through His word)
● Spend time in His creation (take some walks… the weather is gorgeous this week!)
● Spend time learning about His character (and what you can bring back to the studio with you next week)
Purposeful Stillness
Sabbath rest has been commanded since the very beginning of scriptures, not just as time off from labor, but as time specifically dedicated to worship, reflection, and fellowship with God. So while our bodies are worthy of restoration and healing, our hearts and minds can be purposeful in our stillness. In using this time wisely, we magnify God through a reliance on His provision, and recognition of His sovereignty. Since dancers aren’t typically ones to sit still, give these activities a try:
● Close your eyes and listen to worship music (really listening and digesting the words)
● Sit still and read through some devotions (or write some of your own)
● Slow down and count your blessings, then express your gratitude for His provision
● Be still in His presence, and rest in the knowledge that He’s in control (it’s harder than it sounds)
Encourage Others
As much as worship and rest are called out for their importance, there’s something the scriptures equally don’t endorse: Isolation. Christians aren’t meant to walk alone. We even started this dance year with the foundation of magnifying Him through community! So while we’re separated from our teachers and classmates in the studio this week, it’s important to remember we’re all resting together. If you’re feeling restless, odds are your classmates are, too. As you find restoration this week, take some time to encourage others striving for the same. We’re all taking this break together! Dancers need each other’s encouragement in rest just as much as they do in performance and skill mastery. Give these actions a try:
● Send an encouraging text message or scripture to a dance friend
● Pray for your teachers and classroom helpers
● Write some notes to bring back to class next week
● Encourage your classmates to make rest an act of worship, and check in on each other throughout the week
Whether in stillness or fellowship, in rest or vacation, we pray all of our Turning Pointe families have a wonderful break! We’ll see you back in the studio for Spring Peek Week and recital costume distribution March 31-April 5.