El Salvador Day 3

After a refreshing night at the cabins, we headed to Casa La Attaraya in Ahuachapan. This is the school where Moriah and Rachael spent 7 weeks last summer teaching English and dance.  The school gave us the most amazing welcome and were so receptive to our dances and message. Even the youngest kids were very attentive and engaged during the program.

“Both Rachael and I were so excited to introduce everyone to the place our hearts hold so dear. There is something so special about watching other young hearts fall in love with the same kids and place that continue to capture our hearts each day. We saw so many faces that we knew and the performance was incredibly anointed.” – Moriah

“Last year, when Moriah and I lived at Casa La Attaraya we had a student named Michael who God just laid on my heart. Throughout this past year, living back in the US, Michael and I have talked a lot and I have prayed for him almost daily. Today, when we were visiting I was so excited to see all of these kids, but especially Michael. After our performance, I felt like God was telling me that I really needed to pray for him. I grabbed a couple of the girls and we took him outside and asked him if we could pray for him and he said yes. After a little while of praying, one of the girls asked him what his relationship with Jesus was like and he responded that he didn’t really have one. She asked him if he would like to change that and he said yes! So we prayed with him and welcomed a new brother into the family of God! It was so incredible to witness this seed being sown and witness the harvest of it, and even now communicating with him he’s asking questions about how to further his relationship with his heavenly Father. I’m so excited and honored that we had the opportunity to not only witness to Michael but also participate in his decision to follow Christ. I cannot wait to see how he continues to grow and that I get to be a part of that!” -Rachael

Next we got to tour the Teatro de Santa Ana where the national ballet performs. It was such a gorgeous theater and we are dreaming of dancing there in the future! After lunch at Pollo Campero and ice cream at Pops we headed back to the hotel for rest. We are loving what the Father is doing in our hearts and all that He is teaching us about His extravagant love on this trip!