Turning Pointe's Summer Stretching Challenge

Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.   – Galatians 6:9

 Did you know taking the time to stretch every day can help prevent injuries? When done regularly, stretching can increase joint mobility and range of motion, improve circulation, posture and coordination, and even reduce stress.

Summer months often mean less time in the studio, but it’s still important to take the time to stretch on a regular basis. Need some motivation? Take Turning Pointe’s Summer Stretching Challenge to make sure you’re ready to go when school session classes resume!

Take the Challenge:
Click here to download and print your stretching log, and challenge yourself to stretch for an hour a week this summer – that’s just 10 minutes a day, Monday through Saturday. Fill up the grid as you count down the minutes, and watch your flexibility improve! Sign your name and bring your completed log to the studio when fall classes begin to hang your accomplishments on the Summer Stretching Wall of Fame.

Tips for a Positive Experience:

·      Always warm up before you stretch. Stretching cold muscles can be counterproductive, and often leads to pulls and irritation. Start by jogging in place, playing outside or doing some jumping jacks to get your blood moving before starting your stretching routine.

·      Avoid bouncing or pulsing into a stretch, as this can cause small muscle tears. Relax into each position, hold still and take slow, deep breaths.

·      Hold still in each position for at least 30 seconds before moving on, and always make sure you stretch both sides evenly.

Need help designating some time to stretch each week? Sign up for Pilates Fusion, running each week July only, Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. and Thursdays from 3-4 p.m. Click here to register for July classes, see Turning Pointe’s full summer schedule, class descriptions, dress code and more.

Get to Know the Turning Pointe Staff: Meet Ms. Jenner

Jenner Van Horn is the School Administrator at Turning Pointe Dance. She oversees all aspects of class registrations and family accounts, assists with the studio schedule, processes improvements for the studio, oversees the front desk staff, assists families and students with questions about classes or accounts, and oversees backstage details for Turning Pointe’s annual dance recitals.

Miss Jenner’s Go-To Scripture:
This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. … For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.—    2 Chronicles 20:15

“These verses remind me that the Lord is in control. A ‘vast army’ could be anything difficult I am facing—in parenting, marriage, friendships, finances, etc. Anytime that I feel that I don't know what to do in a tough situation, I am reminded of these verses. It's true, I don't know what to do, but I don't have to know. The Lord has it. I just need to be obedient in that moment. One day at a time, one moment at a time. When I keep my eyes fixed on Him, peace comes... even when it's tough.”

Four Fun Facts:

Years with Turning Pointe: “10 years as a parent, three years in this job.”

Favorite part of the job: “Interacting with the TP families!”

Favorite thing to do in her spare time: “HA! Spare time? I would say watching movies or going to musicals.”

Favorite treat: “Lulu's FroYo!”

At Turning Pointe Dance, our mission is to fully develop a dancer’s skills and talents in an atmosphere that is glorifying to God. We provide excellence in dance and theater instruction while cultivating hearts of worship and nurturing creativity.

Come in and meet Miss Jenner, and get to know the rest of the Turning Pointe Staff here. From bunny hops and streamers with the budding ballerinas to pirouettes with the pointe students, we have something special for everyone!

Top 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer Classes

Turning Pointe’s Top 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer Classes

This summer, Turning Pointe is excited to offer a June and July session of mini mester classes, in addition a variety of camps, intensives and workshops. Students can sign up for one or both months of summer classes, with plenty of summer discounts available. Want to maximize your time in the studio over the next few months? Check out Turning Pointe’s top 10 ways to make the most of your summer classes:

1.     Be on Time
Arrive at the studio 15 minutes before your class. This gives you time to get settled and be ready to go as soon as class begins. Summer classes are typically only 45 minutes to an hour, so make the most of every minute.

2.     Be Prepared
Before you leave home, show your dance bag some love. Are the shoes you’ll need for class inside? Both of them? If you need to change clothes before class at the studio, do you have everything you’ll need? Summer activities can make for busy days, so make sure you’re prepared – going into the classroom pulled together shows respect for the class and for your teacher.

Not sure what you’ll need? Check out Turning Pointe’s summer dress code here.

3.     Be Attentive
Unlike the regular dance season, summer classes run for a much shorter duration – usually just a few months. Soak in every minute of instruction and worship, and take notes in a notebook or prayer journal. Writing things down is a great way to retain information, plus you can reference it again throughout the year.

4.     Set Goals
Summer can be a great time to focus on dance – there are fewer distractions, less homework and no recital choreography to remember. Refine your focus and set some summer goals. Want to master that double pirouette? How about getting all the way down in those left splits? Even if it’s as simple as building strength in your ankles or improving your turnout, summer is the perfect time to work toward those milestones.

5.     Challenge Yourself
With a shorter class commitment, summer is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Turning Pointe has a wide variety of styles to choose from this summer – try one new style or try them all! You never know what you’ll take away from each new experience, how that bullet point on your resume will serve you in the future, or who you’ll meet along the way.

Want to improve precision and refine unison? Sign up for Rockette Dance Camp. Ever thought about performing on Broadway or been asked to sing at an audition? Why not give vocal lessons a try? Not sure which style you want to try next? There’s even a Dance Sampler class that can give you a little taste of everything.

Think outside the box and check out Turning Pointe’s full list of summer classes here.

6.     Stand Out
Along with a shorter duration, summer sessions can also see smaller class sizes. Take advantage of the individualized attention by asking questions, standing in the front line and making the most of every opportunity in each class.

7.     Recover and Rebuild
The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples. As dancers, they’re also our tools for worship. Summer classes are a great time to focus on the care and maintenance of your temple, whether that’s building strength in a Pilates or Barre class, re-energizing your heart in an Outreach or Worship class or unwinding after a long season with a simple technique or improv concept class. Be sure to stretch, drink plenty of water and take care of yourself while classes are shorter and training is less intense.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.- Romans 12:1

8.     Keep it Up
Even with summer camps, vacations and other obligations, being diligent with attendance in summer dance classes will give you a huge advantage when regular classes start back up. Keep up muscle memory, flexibility, strength and technique so you don’t miss a beat in September!

9.     Serve Together
Whether you’re experiencing a new class together or continuing in your favorite style side-by-side, summer classes can foster friendships that transcend the studio. Turning Pointe’s mission is to fully develop a dancer’s skills and talents in an atmosphere that is glorifying to God. While you’re making the most of your dance training, spend the summer gathered in His name in a Christ-centered environment as we worship and pray together all summer long.

10.  Have FUN!
The most important way to make the most of summer classes? Maximize JOY! Sure, dance training will build strength, confidence, self-expression and creativity, but more than that, dance classes can help you find joy in the movements and simply have fun.

Are you ready to dance this summer? Head to TurningPointeSchoolofDance.com for all the info you’ll need to make your classes count! 

Navigating Recital- Help for the First Time Dance Parent!

The first dance recital can be full of nonstop surprises for the first-time dance parent. Dance has its own culture of expectations and traditions, and they all converge on recital day.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the following insider tips can help you make the most of your first dance recital, whether your dancer is a toddler or a teen.

Bring snacks and activities. Recitals can seem long to young children. Be prepared to stay and cheer for every number, and, more importantly, prepare for your dancer to be happy when he or she is back stage. Send some things to entertain your child; card games, a sketch pad or stuffed animal can make the wait much shorter. Also plan for your dancer to be hungry. Recital times often coincide with snack or meal times, so bring non-messy foods, such as dried fruit and nuts, cheese and crackers, or granola bars are good options. Avoid sodas and juices because of a) the danger of spilling on a beloved tutu, and b) the sugar content will not sit well with a child waiting for the end of the show.  

Costume tips and tricks. You may have several costumes to manage. When you pick up your child’s costumes, avoid the temptation to let her wear them before dress rehearsal. They should look fresh for the performance. Costumes can be itchy, too. Sequins and glitter come at the cost of comfort sometimes. Nude-colored leotards are a good option for your dancer to wear under her costumes. This also provides coverage and eliminates any shyness about having to do quick costume changes in front of the other dancers. Also note that many studios provide instructions on how each accessory should be worn. Keep notes on those and bring them with you to avoid any confusion. It also helps to keep accessories for each costume in a zip lock bag with each bag attached to the corresponding costume. And whatever you do, don’t forget your dancer’s shoes!   Come equipped. Planning and preparation are key. Bring tissues, make-up supplies, plenty of bobby pins and hair elastics. A hairbrush and hairspray are crucial additions to your recital bag. Look for double-sided “fashion tape,” a costume tape that is magic for keeping costumes in place in a pinch. Clear nail polish works wonders on last-minute runs in tights.  

About the hair. Speaking of bobby pins, a little bun know-how can go a long way. Dance buns can seem daunting at first, but with a few practice twists and some insider knowledge, you’ll master them in no time. First, damp hair is much easier to work with than dry hair with all its flyaway action. Texturizing spray is also a great tool to tame and prepare your dancer’s hair. Brush her hair out and pull it into a tight ponytail.   At this point, if your dancer has shorter to medium-length hair, you can use a bun-maker—also known as those squishy nets shaped like doughnuts. If your dancer has very long hair, skip the bun-maker. Instead, twist the ponytail. Wrap the twisted ponytail around the base of the ponytail, and voila… you have your bun. (Note that this technique works on medium-length hair, too). Two important secrets: wrap your bun in the same direction you twist, and invest in some high-quality hair pins to secure the bun. Look for pins that are the same color as your dancer’s hair, and tuck them in tight. Keep in mind that your dancer is going to be jumping and twirling, arms moving every which way. Building a hair-pin and hairspray fortress will help to keep that bun in place through all the action. Hairnets also work great for buns!  

Expect to purchase a ticket. Virtually all studios sell tickets to their recitals to cover the cost of the venue and other expenses that come with producing a top-notch experience for the children and their families. If you attend a studio that performs in a theatre and provides services like online ticketing and reserved seating, expect to pay more for those amenities.  

Nerves. Remember that our children are little emotional sponges. It’s normal for parents sometimes to feel anxious or nervous about their children’s first events. But work to avoid channeling your nerves to your child, who is just excited for a fun experience. Remind yourself of what’s most important (your child’s enjoyment of the show experience), take a deep breath and cheer (wildly!) for your dancer. If you observe that your dancer is nervous, remind him or her that everyone is there simply to celebrate a great year of dancing and to enjoy the show!

Plan for a gift. Recital gifts are a strong tradition in dance. Flowers are typical; our studio partners with a local florist and you can pre-order flowers to be delivered to the event. This is a nice, stress-free option. If your dancer is not the flower type, you may consider a balloon bouquet, a recital teddy bear or small gift basket. Younger dancers love receiving stuffed animals to help them remember their first recital for a long time to come.  

Save the memories. In shows in theaters, cameras and phones are not allowed to be used during the performance. Even easier: just order the professional DVD or Blu Ray. It’s an extra investment that pays for itself when you can put the phone or camera down and enjoy the show and dancers love watching other friends dances too after the show!  

Remember the Why. A big part of the dance training process includes learning through performance. The experience helps build self-esteem and confidence. Onstage experience can also result in better school presentations, improved social skills, and strong interview skills for future college or job opportunities. Participating in rehearsals helps children develop retention skills, teamwork, and adaptability.

As we prepare for the end of our year recital at Turning Pointe Dance, we need to ask, “Why are we having a recital?” 1. We are dancing because we like to perform. 2. We are dancing because we like to wear costumes. 3. We are dancing because we want all of our family and friends to see us. Even though all of these reasons might be true, here at Turning Pointe, we dance for a greater purpose. “My soul magnifies the Lord,” Luke 1:46. We hope that all our dancers will be “Big Lights” that shine for Jesus. We want to glorify God through our bodies with dancing and present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I also read a great article that I wanted to share part of:  Researchers Bruce Brown and Rob Miller asked college athletes what their parents said that made them feel great and brought them joy when they played sports. Want to know the six words they most want to hear their parents say? “I love to watch you play.” (or in our case “I love to watch you dance”) That’s it. Nothing aggrandizing like “you’re an all-star,” and nothing discouraging like “here are a couple of things I noticed that you can work on.” Just “I love to watch you play.” As we gear up for soccer, band concerts, gymnastics practice, dance recitals, and everything else we’ll be watching our kids do these next few months, lets internalize these six words. We want our kids to hear that doing what they do, and learning about who God created them to be, is a joy to watch as it unfolds.

~Ms. Tina

Construction Update #3

So, the good news is we finally have permits and work is happening on the inside of the building...yay! The bad news is we were just thrown a curve ball...because of our change of use and occupancy a sprinkler system has to be added to the main level (there is already one in the basement). This wasn't a major deal until we found out that we also have to add it to the attic space, which either means taking out the entire ceiling or cutting and patching lots of the ceiling. They are telling us it could take a month for design, approval through regional, and installation, so we're working through those details to see if there is a way to speed up the process.

To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement...I want to be in our new home more than anyone!! So thank you for your patience as we navigate all of these details. I know the question on everyone's mind is "when are we moving?" That is a great question and one I would like to know the answer to as well:) As soon as I know, I will pass that information along, but for now, hang tight!! Parking is maddening, the lobby is crowded, the 4th studio is inconvenient...but good things are on the horizon. Thank you for your support, belief in Turning Pointe, and prayers! The song "Take Courage" has been speaking to my heart especially this week and I hope these words encourage you too:

Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing

Sing praise my soul
Find strength in joy
Let His Words lead you on
Do not forget
His great faithfulness
He'll finish all He's begun

Specific prayer requests:
*Peace in the process
*Favor and timing

Construction Update #2

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape." This is something we're continuing to learn in this process and are just walking each day by faith. 

Lots of things are happening on the outside of the building! We have a new coat of paint that has given the building a fresh look (thank you Meinz family) and that is still being completed. In the basement, Mr. Swank (along with the help of Mr. Peterson and Josiah Swank) built us an amazing costume room for all of our costumes to hang in! We are so excited to get in there and organize and be able to see what we have instead of looking through bins. What a huge blessing! You'll also see a pic of our storage room which is packed right now with Fidele sets. And the parking lot will be resurfaced and repainted in the next few weeks! 

As far as the inside of the building, we still do not have permits. We've run into some issues and the architect and engineers are working to get them resolved and get us moving forward in the process. This has been the most difficult part and much of it is out of my control. We were on a tight timeline to begin with and will most likely be starting our fall classes in our current space, so as we have more details and the plan is coming together we will be in touch with our families. I'm encouraging myself and all of our families to see the big picture...we WILL be in the building, we just don't know exactly when yet. This is God's building and He is going to do it His way...so we're trusting Him and asking for continued prayer. It is going to be worth the wait, you guys!

Work Day- Saturday August 19th from 2-5pm (note time change) at the new studio 5540 Library Lane. Please no children! This is a construction site and they could get hurt very easily. We will be pulling weeds/pruning bushes, organizing the basement, and putting together IKEA furniture. If there are any dads/brothers who feel the Lord laying on their heart to cut down the native grass/weeds behind the building, that would be a huge blessing. Things to bring: weed eaters, garden/work gloves, tools for furniture, drills, trowels or gardening tools. We'll also be having a prayer time starting at 2:00...I want to bathe this place inside and out with prayer! We need some breakthroughs, so I think that calls for some TP family prayer time! 

Thank you all so much for your support and for believing in this God-sized dream. We'll continue to keep you updated. 

Construction Update #1

I wanted to take some time to update our Turning Pointe family about our new home and what has been happening! We successfully closed on the building July 3rd. We have been in the planning phase with architects and engineers since April, and finally delivered the permit plans to Regional Building Department last week. In the meantime, we did get our demo permit and all of the demo has been completed at the building including: removing the popcorn ceiling, removing the large desk area, castle, and tree. Now, we are in the waiting phase for the proper permits for construction, then we’ll start to see progress quickly from there. There have been lots of meetings happening and things ordered with designers, flooring contractors, window blinds, access management, signs, landscaping, and much more. So even though there is not much to see yet, there will be once we have the green light to begin!

As most of you know, construction/renovating rarely goes the way we plan and usually takes longer than expected. We had a very tight timeline to begin with, so there is a good chance we may not be able to move into our new home in September. I am working on a back up plan if this ends up being the case (we do have our current space until the end of Sept) and will continue to keep everyone posted as I know more.  "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape", right?? Through this process, the Lord keeps reminding me that this is not about a building, it’s about Him. This is a walk of faith and I’m so thankful to have this amazing community to walk through this journey with me!

Prayer Points

*That our plans would move quickly through Regional Building Dept and the City and our contractor would have permits in hand soon
*For the many many many details to come together and within our budget
*Provision in every area
*That the Lord would be glorified in this journey and through our studio

How can you help?

We’ll be having a work day at the new building (5540 Library Lane) on August 19th from 2pm-5pm…we’ll be pulling weeds, organizing the basement storage, and putting together IKEA furniture! If any of you can come by any time during this and help we would LOVE it! I would also like to have a prayer time in and around the building starting right at 2pm…would love for our TP family to bathe this place in prayer. We will also have the floor plan posted so you can catch the vision!


The original plans for the coffee shop have shifted and we are looking for someone who would like to partner with Turning Pointe and lease this space in our building for a coffee/snack shop. Contact Rob Rolley at cowboycommercial@gmail.com with inquiries.

El Salvador Day 6

Our last day of ministry was at the largest all girls public school in El Salvador called España. When we first got there, the person that everything was scheduled through was not there and they had no idea we were coming. At first, they didn't really want to accommodate us being there, but after talking with the assistant principal she agreed to let us do a shortened performance for the morning classes and then we would need to talk with the afternoon principal to get his approval for an afternoon performance. We were so grateful to be able to perform in the morning even with not knowing about the afternoon...blessed are the flexible, right?

So, we had a wonderful performance for the morning group and Emma G and Emma P did an amazing job sharing their testimonies. We got to talk to a LOT of girls after the show (in fact we were wishing we had more translators because there were so many students!), signed autographs, and took pictures. One of our girls got to pray with a girl from the school to accept Jesus into her heart! She was touched by what she saw when we danced...so thankful that she saw Jesus in our dancers!

We had lunch at the school and anxiously awaited to hear whether or not we would be able to do an afternoon show. Thankfully, the afternoon principal agreed to allow us to perform! Although many girls on the team were tired and some not feeling well, they all gave 110% and finished so strong...it's an awesome place to be when we are at the end of ourselves and have to rely so heavily on Jesus to take over and He did!

We had a great team debrief that evening and an amazing time of prayer over each team member. Even though none of us wanted to leave El Salvador, we are so thankful for the time we had in this beautiful country and so thankful to Jesus for giving each team member a glimpse of who they really are...Jesus was so awesome in each of these dancers. As we come back to our normal lives, please be praying that He would continue the work that He started in each team member. Thank you for your support and prayers for our team...we couldn't do this without our Turning Pointe family and friends covering us and lifting us up! To God be the glory!

El Salvador Day 5

This morning started with a trip to the Gringo Market. The students had to practice their bartering skills and did a great job purchasing souvenirs for friends and family back home. We also made a trip to Super Selectos (which is a grocery store that is common in El Salvador) and Starbucks!

After this excursion we went back to the hotel to have a delicious lunch. We then went to Comasagua, which is a town in the mountains that is quite poverty stricken. We got to teach a dance to some of the girls from the town to the song Great are you Lord. We also performed 4 dances including the dance that we taught the girls. We dressed them up in costumes that they got to keep and spoke truth over them. We then got to be a part of the service at Pastor Jose Luis and Sylvia's church. Wally preached about God given dreams take small steps and hard work and talked about Turning Pointe and what God has done to take the dream of an 8 year old girl and make it into something that touches and blesses a lot of people! Pastor Jose Luis had people come up and speak the dreams God has put in their hearts at the end of the service.

"I'm amazed by how much God is present in Comasagua even though it's very poor and the church barely has a building. It felt like the city on a hill figuratively and literally. It was also neat how all of the Salvadorians dreams that they mentioned during the church service were to serve others. " -Emily S.

"I thought it was really cool when we first got to the church and we met the dance team. Most of them seemed very shy, but when we were doing the dance you could slowly start to see them let go more and more. And then by the end they were all hugging us and talking to us and it was really cool to see that. And also I loved seeing their faces when we told them that we had costumes for them to keep. One girl had tears in her eyes and the way their faces lit up was amazing. I also think the message was very good and it was awesome to see how all of their dreams were to serve others." -Olivia P.

Our team loved praying over people at the end of the service releasing them into their God given dreams and destinies. We got to pray over the girls that danced with us and we wouldn't be surprised if God is planting seeds for a Christian dance school in Comasagua!

We came back to the hotel and had a traditional Salvadorian pupusa dinner...yum!  


El Salvador Day 4

This morning, Ms. Tina was able to share at the Earthquake School of Supernatural Ministry about her story and dreaming with God. It was amazing to share about how Turning Pointe came to be and to encourage people in their faith that God can do so much more than we can ask or imagine!

Next we went to a 2 hour salsa class at Danzarte Estudio in San Salvador taught by Patty Barrios. This is a dance studio that also offers painting, karate, robotics, and music classes. Crazy enough, Danzarte performed Hairspray the musical this past December! It was so fun to see pictures of their special rendition. We all entered the studio with excitement and learned "how to use our hips in public (quote by McKenna)." We learned a crazy combo that had us all sweating within the first 15 minutes of our 2 hour class. We were so blessed by Patty's expertise.

After our dance class, we ate lunch and then went to Tia Ana's house. Tia Ana's house is a home for kids whose parents are still living but do not want them for various reasons. There are about 23 kids in the home right now ranging from almost 2 years to 20 years old. We passed out little toys, performed a couple of dances, drew with chalk on all the walls (and each other), and hugged on little kiddos who need to know that they are loved.

"At first when we walked in it was really overwhelming. There were a lot of kids everywhere. And then after we danced for them I found a little boy who giggled every time I did something. And then I got covered in chalk by Moriah and R. I didn't want to leave." -McKenna

"When we walked in all the kids gave you the biggest, deepest hugs you could ever get. It was really comforting to me too as much as it was to them. They were very joyful even though they were not in the best situation. They all kind of reminded me of my younger sisters especially the one little boy N because Lizzy and AJ were very small when they came to us.  Even though Lizzy was small and had trauma she had the biggest smile when she came home with my dad. And it was just really a flashback to when they came...it just shows that there are always going to be children who have been hurt everywhere, but we have to know that God can still give them joy." -Emma

"You feel so sorry for the kids on one end, but how do you explain to the kids about their heavenly father when their fathers are absent or abusive? They are so eager for a father that loves them. I cannot fathom all the fathers that don't understand these kids want someone to play football with them in the street...something as simple as that...to be absent for that is hard to believe."- Aaron P.

Again we were so honored and blessed to be able to serve Tia Ana today. She is so much like Jesus and her vision to bring in the forsaken very much reflects the Father's heart.